April Ludy
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April Ludy

April Ludy


Working mostly in acrylics and mixed media I love to employ bold, brilliant colors with a contemporary and abstract twist. I love to talk about art, look at art, feel art, be moved by art and artists, and of course, create art.

I draw inspiration from the many diverse places I've lived across the US, from the northeast to the southwest and Charlottesville. I am a self taught artist and use acrylics and mixed media to create diverse expressive scenes that delight and soothe while painting in bold and sometimes unlikely colors. My singular abstract style imparts an imaginary quality to everyday elements. Flowers, birds, sunsets, seascapes and landscapes transcend conventional colors and shapes, creating surprise and inviting possibilities.

I have previously worked and volunteered in art galleries in Sedona, AZ at the Sedona Art Center Gallery and Tucson, AZ. While living in Tucson, I also served as Exhibition Chair for the Southern Arizona Art Group of Tucson. When I first arrived in Charlottesville, late 2018, I was very fortunate to spend a year working at Les Yeux du Monde Art Gallery in Charlottesville where I was inspired by many extraordinary works of art and artists.

My family is very supportive of me and my art and I am so grateful for them and everything they do for me. I am fortunate to live in the beautiful Keswick, Virginia countryside where inspiration from nature surrounds me every day. Reading, poetry, keeping fit and healthy, and volunteering help fill my days.